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This page is updated every three hours2023-08-03
- Windowing, anti-competition and the Amendments to the 6th Edition of the Nigerian Broadcasting Code
by Chijioke Okorie in The IPKat, 2023-08-03 15:33:00 UTCEarlier in June, Nigeria’s National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) published Amendments to the 6th Edition of the Nigerian Broadcasting Code (NBC Code amendments), after public presentation of the amendments to stakeholders in the broadcast media industry in Nigeria. The NBC Code amendments provide inter alia for web/online broadcasting, prohibition of agreements in restraint of trade; requirements for acquisition of sports rights; local content requirements and compulsory sub-licensing. The NBC Code amendments have attracted both strong support and critici [...]
- OpenMediaVault 3.0.87数据分区文件系统从EXT4升级到 ...:2021-12-17 · 另外,OpenMediaVault 3.0.87的Linux内核已经更新到Linux Kernel 4.9.0能够非常好的支持BTRFS数据分区格式了,因此尝试升级到BTRFS数据分区格式。 在执行如下操作之前,请确定已经启用了OpenMediaVault的SSH远程登录功能。 首先,确定数据分区的挂载
by Steve Cecchetti and Kim Schoenholtz in Money, Banking and Financial Markets, 2023-08-03 11:48:13 UTC“ [T]he ratio of the wealth of the wealthy to the wealth of the less wealthy …may reflect something about the adequacy or inadequacy of social insurance arrangements…” Lawrence Summers, comments at Peterson Institute panel, October 17, 2023 . Wealth inequality in the United States is obvious to everyone. The Federal Reserve’s triennial Survey of Consumer Finance (SCF) documents the glaring and persistent divide between rich and poor, confirming that ownership of financial and real assets in the United States has been highly concentrated for decades (see our earlier post ). The most recent 2016 [...]
- Chris Sampsonâs journal round-up for 3rd August 2023
by Chris Sampson in The Academic Health Economists' Blog, 2023-08-03 11:00:00 UTCEvery Monday our authors provide a round-up of the latest peer-reviewed journal publications. We cover all issues of major health economics journals as well as some other notable releases. Visit our Resources page for links to more journals or follow the HealthEconBot . If you’d like to write one of our weekly journal round-ups, get in touch . PharmacoEconomics Volume 38, Issue 8 Leading the way in the latest issue of PharmacoEconomics is some ICER bashing. Mike Paulden thinks it’s time to abandon the ICER , while James O’Mahony provides us with some reasons to be less drastic. In th [...]
- The New DAC Method of Reporting Debt Relief as ODA: HIPC Redux?
by ReibReisen in ShiftingWealth, 2023-08-03 09:01:00 UTCDonors have agreed on a new accounting method aid treatment of debt relief on 24/07/2023. At first glance, these are good news for Covid-stricken poor countries. Debt write-offs have helped in the past stimulate new investment and lower funding cost as a debt overhang has been removed, most notably via the HIPC and MDRI initiatives [1] . But to what extent does the new DAC method of reporting debt relief as aid improve funding prospects for the poorest countries? To help alleviate funding shortfalls among the world’s poorest economies, many of which are in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), internation [...]
- Columbia. Economics PhD alumnus. Milton Moss, 1962
by Irwin Collier in Economics in the Rear-View Mirror, 2023-08-03 07:39:41 UTCThe previous post provided a transcription of the 1986 syllabus for Milton Moss’s course at the University of Maryland “The Development of Economic Ideas” that turned up in the J. Herbert Furth papers at the Hoover Institution Archives. Since Milton Moss is hardly a household name, today’s post introduces the minor Milton as our newest entry to the Meet-an-Economics-PhD-Alumna/us series. His “greatest hit” appears to be the 1973 NBER volume that he edited, The Measurement of Social and Economic Performance . Fun Fact: Moss’s father-in-law (Naum Jasny) was a renowned expert on Soviet agricul [...]
- Två åtgärder som påverkar anställdas beteende
by Niclas Berggren in Nonicoclolasos, 2023-08-03 05:22:00 UTCDe två forskarna John List och Fatemeh Momeni har i två spännande fältexperiment undersökt hur anställdas beteende påverkas av två åtgärder: när företaget tar socialt ansvar och när företaget betalar lön i förväg. I studien ”When Corporate Social Responsibility Backfires: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment” undersöker de vilken effekt på anställdas beteende som ett explicit socialt ansvarstagande får. Resultatet: This paper uses a natural field experiment to connect corporate social responsibility (CSR) to an important but often neglected behavior: employee misconduct and shirking. Throu [...]
- Les coulisses économiques des sites de rencontres
by The Conversation in Contrepoints, 2023-08-02 03:35:44 UTCPar François Lévêque 1 . Un article de The Conversation Vous êtes en quête d’une relation durable ou d’une rencontre sans lendemain ? Inscrivez-vous à Tinder ou à Bumble. Ou encore, si vos préférences sont nettement plus ciblées, à GlutenfFreeSingles ou ClownDating. Les algorithmes ont remplacé les agences matrimoniales et la drague à l’ancienne. L’analyse économique s’était risquée sans données à échafauder une théorie du mariage, l’explosion des sites de rencontres a depuis tourné la tête de bien des économètres. Savez-vous qu’un mariage sur trois aujourd’hui aux États-Unis débute par une mi [...]
- Are jobs in education still recession-proof? : Studying employment data in the education sector
by ? in FRED blog, 2023-07-30 13:00:00 UTCThe U.S. economy is in recession, and the unemployment rate is above 10%. But the start of the school year is around the corner, and teachers are going back to work. Historically, student enrollment in colleges and universities increases during recessions,* but what do the data on educational employment show us? Here, we look at two graphs—one for New York City (the most populous U.S. city) and one for California (the most populous U.S. state)—to see if employment in the education sector really is recession-proof. Both FRED graphs above show there was no noticeable change in college, univers [...]
- 使用OpenMediaVault构建您自己的NAS - Howtoing:2021-9-23 · OpenMediaVault是一个基于Debian的专用Linux发行版,用于构建网络连接存储(NAS)系统。 它提供了一个易于使用的基于Web的界面,多语言支持,卷管理,监控和插件系统,伍通过LDAP,Bittorrent和iSCSI功能进行扩展。
by Christian Zimmermann in NEP-DGE blog, 2023-07-28 03:33:58 UTCBy Juan Carlos Conesa and Yan Wang China’s real GDP has been growing by almost 10 percent a year for the last three decades. For how long should we expect this spectacularly high growth to continue? We evaluate in a quantitative two sector model with segmented labor markets and financial frictions the prospects for China’s future growth under different policy scenarios. In our model the high growth rate observed in China since the early 1990s is fueled by the large increase in urban labor supply, because of rural-urban migration, and the eme [...]
- Chris Sampsonâs journal round-up for 27th July 2023
by Chris Sampson in The Academic Health Economists' Blog, 2023-07-27 11:00:01 UTCOpenmediavault入门常见问题及解决方法 一段香_百度文库:2021-10-2 · Openmediavault 入门常见问题及解决方法 一段香 1. Openmediavault 是什么系统? Openmediavault 是基于 Debian 的 NAS 系统,一般简称为 OMV;是德国人 Volker Theile 于 2021 年开始开发,Volker 曾经是 FreeNAS 的开发者之一。
- Cyber Risk, Financial Stability and the Payments System
by Steve Cecchetti and Kim Schoenholtz in Money, Banking and Financial Markets, 2023-07-26 15:50:41 UTCGetting started with openmediavault: A home NAS …:2 天前 · But openmediavault is no slouch. It's actually based on an earlier version of FreeNAS, and while its numbers are lower in terms of downloads and features, they're more than adequate for my needs. Another factor was a simple matter of comfort. Openmediavault's underlying operating system is Debian, whereas FreeNAS sits atop FreeBSD. I'm ...
- Academic spotlight (I): Sterzi, Rameshkoumar and Van der Pol on NPE activity
by Merpel McKitten in The IPKat, 2023-07-25 10:30:00 UTCIn between chasing birds and lounging on her editors' desks, Merpel occasionally reads some of the materials that pass over them. Recently, she came across two academics publications that may be of particular interest to patent-oriented readers of IPKat. This post, therefore, kicks off a two-part miniseries, which will summarize both papers and offer a reflection. Merpel has selected these two papers because each was picked up by industry groups that (very) actively participate in the debate on the contours of contemporary patent law. Such strong interest in academic studies shows that a lot i [...]
- J1900 灵车上车小记 | BLOG @ GIUEM:上了最近很火的“蜗牛星际”J1900 NAS 矿车。一般说到矿车,都是大功率电源、显卡这些。这批 J1900 矿车其实挖的是另一种矿—— IPFS / CAI。一开始卖 5000 多一套,都后来 CAI 价格跌到谷底,矿老板清盘,这才有了这批车。
by Christian Zimmermann in NEP-DGE blog, 2023-07-24 20:24:39 UTCBy Juan Pablo Rincón-Zapatero, Maria Belen Jerez Garcia-Vaquero and Antonia Diaz Rodriguez We embed a competitive search model of the real estate market into a heterogeneous agent setting where households face credit constraints and idiosyncratic turnover shocks. Households can accumulate a risk-free asset to build a down payment and to smooth non-housing consumption.There is an inelastic supply of identical homes. The model is “block recursive”. In equilibrium wealthier home buyers sort into submarkets with higher prices and shorter buying t [...]
- Populism Returns
by Don Boudreaux in Cafe Hayek, 2023-07-24 20:12:24 UTC(Don Boudreaux) Tweet Here’s a letter to someone who works for a most ironically named outfit. Ms. Robyn Shapiro American Economic Liberties Project Ms. Shapiro: I received today your mass e-mail detailing the many harms that Amazon allegedly inflicts on the American economy. With respect, the economic theory that motivates your colleagues’ findings was all the rage in the 1950s, but has since been thoroughly debunked – a debunking about which your colleagues are apparently unaware. Before they write again about such matters, I recommend that they consult the research of (among other schol [...]
- The Adverse Effect of the COVID-19 Labor Market Shock on Immigrant Employment
by maximorossi in NEP-LTV blog, 2023-07-22 18:06:38 UTCBy: Borjas, George J. (Harvard University); Cassidy, Hugh (Kansas State University) Abstract: Employment rates in the United States fell dramatically between February 2023 and April 2023 as the initial repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic reverberated through the labor market. This paper uses data from the CPS Basic Monthly Files to document that the employment decline was particularly severe for immigrants. Historically, immigrant men were more likely to be employed than native men. The COVID-related labor market disruptions eliminated the immigrant employment advantage. By April 2 [...]
- Non Cognitive Skills and Childcare Attendance
by maximorossi in NEP-LTV blog, 2023-07-22 18:01:29 UTCBy: Daniela Del Boca ; Enrica Maria Martino ; Chiara Pronzato Abstract: While several studies have explored the determinants of cognitive outcomes, this paper focuses on non-cognitive skills, for which there is less empirical evidence. Non- cognitive skills have been recognized as important determinants of cognitive skills and later life outcomes. We analyze the impact of attending formal childcare at ages 0-2 on attitudes toward schooling and on the social behavior of children at the end of their first year of primary school and at the end of high school. We find that attendance of ch [...]
- Immigration, Legal Status and Fiscal Impact
by Christian Zimmermann in NEP-DGE blog, 2023-07-22 15:27:35 UTCopenmediavault 4.1.3 插件开发_PHP - UCloud云社区:设置菜单节点图标 var/www/openmediavault/images 内创建对应Node.js内的2张图片 创... openmediavault 4.1.3 插件开发_PHP - UCloud云社区 演示网站
- The Cultural Origin of Saving Behavior
by maximorossi in NEP-LTV blog, 2023-07-21 18:00:09 UTCBy: Costa Font, Joan ; Giuliano, Paola ; Ozcan, Berkay Abstract: Traditional economic interpretations have not been successful in explaining differences in saving rates across countries. One hypothesis is that savings respond to cultural specific social norms. A seminal paper in economics (1) however did not find any effect of culture on savings. We revisit this evidence using a novel dataset, which allows us to study the saving behavior of up to three generations of immigrants in the United Kingdom. Against the backdrop of existing evidence, we find that cultural preferences are an im [...]
- openmediavault - The open network attached storage …:openmediavault is the next generation network attached storage (NAS) solution based on Debian Linux. It contains services like SSH, (S)FTP, SMB/CIFS, AFS, UPnP media server, DAAP media server, RSync, BitTorrent client and many more.
by maximorossi in NEP-LTV blog, 2023-07-21 17:46:52 UTCBy: Richard V. Burkhauser ; Nicolas Hérault ; Stephen P. Jenkins ; Roger Wilkins Abstract: The share of women in the top 1% of the UK’s income distribution has been growing over the last two decades (as in several other countries). Our first contribution is to account for this secular change using regressions of the probability of being in the top 1%, fitted separately for men and women, in order to contrast between the sexes the role of changes in characteristics and changes in returns to characteristics. We show that the rise of women in the top 1% is primarily accounted for by thei [...]
- Grace Liâs journal round-up for 20th July 2023
by Grace Li in The Academic Health Economists' Blog, 2023-07-20 11:00:08 UTCEvery Monday our authors provide a round-up of the latest peer-reviewed journal publications. We cover all issues of major health economics journals as well as some other notable releases. Visit our Resources page for links to more journals or follow the HealthEconBot . If you’d like to write one of our weekly journal round-ups, get in touch . Health Economics Volume 29, Issue 8 Accurately measuring the number of unauthorised migrants living in the UK has been a long-standing challenge for the UK Home Office. Estimates vary, however the Pew Research Centre thinks that there may be be [...]
- Experts: the Caprice challenge
by chris in Stumbling and Mumbling, 2023-07-17 12:19:20 UTCWhat do experts know? This question arises from the reposting the other day of an exchange between Caprice and Dr Sarah Jarvis, wherein Caprice argued for an early lockdown and mask-wearing, only to be opposed by the doctor. In hindsight, it looks as if Caprice might have been more correct. Which poses the question, for economists as much as other scientists: how should we talk to lay-people? Here are some suggestions. First, know what you know and what you don’t. As Charlie Munger said , “it’s not a competency if you don’t know the edge of it.” Economists, for example, do not know how to fore [...]
- Nella crisi cresce il risparmio per precauzione*
by Valerio Ercolani in La Voce, 2023-07-17 09:23:43 UTCGli ultimi mesi hanno visto un aumento senza precedenti del tasso di risparmio negli Stati Uniti. In gran parte è stato generato dal lockdown. Ma potrebbero esserci anche motivi precauzionali, dettati dalle difficili prospettive del mercato del lavoro. Il legame tra tasso di disoccupazione e tasso di risparmio Per gli effetti del Covid-19, negli Stati Uniti l’occupazione è diminuita di circa 15 milioni di unità, con un tasso di disoccupazione che ha raggiunto quasi il 15 per cento in aprile. Nello stesso mese, il tasso di risparmio è aumentato di quasi 20 punti percentuali (al 32,2 per cento) [...]
- Costruisci il tuo NAS con OpenMediaVault, parte 2 ...:Costruisci il tuo NAS con OpenMediaVault, parte 2: configurazione SSH e Rsync. 08 Novembre 2021. Nella parte 1 di 'Costruire il proprio NAS' vi ho mostrato come creare una condivisione delle cartelle in OpenMediaVault, da usare per archiviare i backup remoti.
by ReibReisen in ShiftingWealth, 2023-07-17 08:10:00 UTCThis post is a follow-up to for the 1990s. If you have not done so, I recommend to read the post on the 1980s first. The focus here is on my time at the OECD Development Centre and on its bosses. So do not expect a balanced presentation of the history of the Centre. These are my personal perspectives only. Table 1: One female & six male heads of the OECD Development Centre, from 1983 Period Development Centre OECD Period 1983-85 Justus Faaland (†2017), N Emile van Lennep ( [...]
- How Large is the Economy-Wide Rebound Effect?
by (David Stern) in Stochastic Trend, 2023-07-17 02:35:00 UTCLast year, I published a blogpost about our research on the economy-wide rebound effect. The post covers the basics of what the rebound effect is and presents our results. We found that energy efficiency improvements do not save energy. In other words, the rebound effect is 100%. This doesn't mean that improving energy efficiency is a bad thing. It's a good thing, because consumers get more energy services as a result. But it probably doesn't help the environment very much. I now have a new CAMA working paper , which surveys the literature on this question. Contributions to the literature are [...]
- Now Would Be a Terrible Time to Raise the Minimum Wage
by Rachel Greszler in OpenMediaVault, 2023-07-15 21:27:33 UTCImagine that your monthly mortgage payment suddenly increased by 50%. And that it happened now, in the wake of COVID-19-related job and income losses. That’s what some policymakers are now suggesting lawmakers should do by raising minimum wages at the worst possible time. As unemployment is high , many jobs have disappeared, and the lowest-wage industries, such as restaurants and hotels, have already experienced significant business failures. Many that remain are struggling just to stay afloat. Lower-wage industries have been the hardest hit. According to a recent survey by Yelp , 35 [...]
- Star Trek and the Economics of Hate
by Jason Barr in Skynomics Blog, 2023-07-15 12:13:07 UTCJason M. Barr July 15, 2023 Captain Kirk : It exists on the hate of others. Mr. Spock : To put it simply. And it has acted as a catalyst, creating this situation in order to satisfy that need. –In “Day of the Dove,” Star Trek (S3:E7) E Pluribus Unum? America in the 21 st century is a deeply divided country. Looking back at the nation’s long history of economic growth and technological improvements, one might have thought that the political, social, and economic divisions among us would have been considerably lessened by now. There are, to be sure, many bright elements. Healthc [...]
- Spurious Factor Analysis
by Francis Diebold in No Hesitations, 2023-07-14 17:50:00 UTCThis abstract definitely produced one of those great "ah ha!" moments, at least for me. So obvious once someone points it out. Thanks Alexei and Chen. I'm hungry for more. With I(1) regression we have: Q: When will regressions with I(1) variables not produce spurious results? A: When the variables are not only integrated but also co integrated. What is the analog here, with PCA? That is: Q: When will PCA with high-dim I(1) variables not produce spurious results? A: ??? (I'm not yet sure. Maybe it's addressed in the paper, which I look forward to reading. Cointegration should again be par [...]
- OpenMediaVault Plugin Developers · GitHub:OpenMediaVault Plugin Developers has 100 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
by IMFBlog in iMFdirect, 2023-07-14 13:00:20 UTCBy Nicoletta Batini , James Lomax , and Divya Mehra Food systems are essential to economic activity because they provide the energy that we need to live and work. However, macroeconomists have long ignored them in the belief that the global agri-food industry, now highly mechanized, subsidized and concentrated, offers all we could wish for when it comes to food. 2023 will be a year of reckoning for the world’s food systems. 2023 will be a year of reckoning for the world’s food systems. In just months, COVID-19 shut down half the globe. Images of panic buying, empty grocery shelves and miles [...]
- Chris Sampsonâs journal round-up for 13th July 2023
by Chris Sampson in The Academic Health Economists' Blog, 2023-07-13 11:00:06 UTCDebian10安装与使用OpenMediaVault教程 OMV功能介绍 ...:2021-10-22 · OpenMediaVault是一个免费的Linux发行版,专门用于网络连接的存储。 OMV项目创建于2021年,基于Debian操作系统,使用GNUv3授权许可。 OMV功能介绍 1. 常规设置 – 常规设置:更改Web界面侦听端口,SSL并强制使用SSL。
- The paradoxes of pandemics
by Johan Fourie in OpenMediaVault, 2023-07-13 09:00:17 UTCWhen a crisis hits, economic historians are in demand. The 2008 financial crisis made students of the Great Depression popular commentators and policy consultants. The swift and correct reaction by the US Federal Reserve was undeniably aided by the fact that its chair, Ben Bernanke, had written his PhD on the 1930s depression and the weak monetary response that exacerbated the crisis. The current global pandemic is no different. Now the historical analogy, of course, is the 1918 Spanish flu, an influenza pandemic that killed an estimated 6% of (or 300 000) South Africans and as many as 50m pe [...]
- Reclaiming freedom
by ? in Stumbling and Mumbling, 2023-07-09 12:53:31 UTC折腾笔记,openmediavault+kodi nas+htpc一体机 - 脱机BT ...:2021-9-15 · 二、openmediavault的安装 apt-get update apt-get install openmediavault-keyring postfix 出现 Postfix Configuration选择的时候,选择No configuration. apt-get update apt-get install openmediavault 出现Configuring mdadm的时候,键入none. Do you want to start
- Advancing gender equality in Southeast Asia after COVID-19
by Kelly Gerard in East Asia Forum, 2023-07-09 06:00:25 UTCAuthor: Kelly Gerard, UWA Economic crises have disproportionately negative effects on women and these gendered impacts linger long after markets recover. This was observable during the 1997 Asian financial crisis and it is being experienced again with COVID-19 — but far more acutely. Measures to stop the spread of the virus have decreased women’s opportunities for paid work. Women across Southeast Asia dominate sectors that are facing immediate losses of employment, work hours and pay — notably retail, textile and garment manufacturing, tourism and hospitality. In garment production , 150 of [...]
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 7/7/2023
by ? in Naked Capitalism, 2023-07-07 18:00:56 UTC~ Today's Water Cooler ~ [...]
- Global real rates, 1311â2018
by BankUnderground in Bank Underground, 2023-07-07 08:00:00 UTCPaul Schmelzing Paul Schmelzing is an academic visitor to the Bank of England, currently based at Yale University. In this guest post, he summarises his research on the differential between real interest rates and real growth rates over the past seven centuries… There is a lively academic and policy debate about whether a build-up of excess savings in advanced economies has created a drag on long-term interest rates. In a recent paper , I provide new context to these discussions. I construct a long-run advanced economy (DM) public real interest rate series geographically coverin [...]
- Fed's big stick lets it speak powerfully
by Steve Cecchetti and Kim Schoenholtz in Money, Banking and Financial Markets, 2023-07-06 12:56:56 UTCThe powerful stabilizing impact of the Federal Reserve’s COVID response is visible virtually across U.S. financial markets. Despite the deepest recession since the Great Depression, the NASDAQ is at a record high, the S&P 500 index is barely 8 percent below its peak, and U.S. equity and bond market volatilities are far below their March peaks. In addition, bond market liquidity has improved sharply, while investment-grade corporate yield spreads are now in line with their long-run norm. Even the trade-weighted value of the dollar has retraced roughly half of its March flight-to-safety surge . [...]
- Installing OpenMediaVault to a Raspberry Pi - Pi My …:OpenMediaVault is a networked attached storage (NAS) solution built on Debian that has support for the Raspberry Pi.. Using this software, you can easily convert your Raspberry Pi into a powerful NAS that has built-in support for a variety of different services.
by Chris Sampson in openmediavault 4.1.3 插件开发 - 个人文章 - SegmentFault 思否:2021-10-17 · 设置菜单节点图标 var/www/openmediavault/images 内创建对应Node.js内的2张图片 创建设置面板: Settings.js {伋码...} 刷新js缓存: {伋码...} SegmentFault 注册登录, 2023-07-06 11:00:00 UTCEvery Monday our authors provide a round-up of the latest peer-reviewed journal publications. We cover all issues of major health economics journals as well as some other notable releases. Visit our Resources page for links to more journals or follow the HealthEconBot . If you’d like to write one of our weekly journal round-ups, get in touch . Health Economics, Policy and Law Volume 15, Issue 3 The articles that I’ll highlight from the latest issue of HEPL have come in pairs, on the topics of competition, public involvement in health policy, and international differences in HTA. R [...]
- What Accounts for the Rising Share of Women in the Top 1%?
by maximorossi in NEP-LTV blog, 2023-07-01 14:43:12 UTCOpenmediavault 编译与安装过程 - 简书:2021-2-8 · Openmediavault 编译与安装过程 Openmediavault 编译与安装过程 Openmediavault,简称OMV,是开源NAS解决方案的不二之选,更是黑群晖之外的最佳选择。基于Debian的灵活性,伍及低资源占用,使得它能够在各种架构的操作系统上大放异彩,这 ...
- Non Cognitive Skills and Childcare Attendance
by maximorossi in NEP-LTV blog, 2023-07-01 14:40:37 UTCOpenMediaVault系统NAS单硬盘迅雷下载机安装(一)软 ...:2021-7-6 · OpenMediaVault系统NAS 单硬盘迅雷下载机安装(一)软硬件选择 (2021-07-06 19:10:51) 转载 标签: nas openmediavault omv 一直使用路由器加挂usb ...
- OpenMediaVault
by Anurodh in OpenMediaVault, 2023-07-01 05:44:00 UTCby Aakriti Mathur and Rajeswari Sengupta . India is dealing with a massive shock in the form of the Covid-19 pandemic. The first case was reported in India on 30 January, 2023. By middle of March the disease had begun spreading rapidly across the country. To prevent the spread of the virus the Indian government announced a nationwide lockdown on 24 March. The pandemic and the lockdown affected nearly all firms and sectors of the economy; however, there are likely to be significant heterogeneities. We propose a novel approach to identify firms that may have had greater exposure to the pa [...]
- The Seeds of Ideology: Historical Immigration and Political Preferences in the United States
by maximorossi in NEP-LTV blog, 2023-06-30 18:45:17 UTCBy: Giuliano, Paola (University of California, Los Angeles); Tabellini, Marco (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Abstract: We test the relationship between historical immigration to the United States and political ideology today. We hypothesize that European immigrants brought with them their preferences for the welfare state, and that this had a long-lasting effect on the political ideology of US born individuals. Our analysis proceeds in three steps. First, we document that the historical presence of European immigrants is associated with a more liberal political ideology and w [...]
- Employer Policies and the Immigrant-Native Earnings Gap
by maximorossi in NEP-LTV blog, 2023-06-30 18:40:30 UTCBy: Benoit Dostie ; Jiang Li ; David Card ; Daniel Parent Abstract: We use longitudinal data from the income tax system to study the impacts of firms’ employment and wage-setting policies on the level and change in immigrant-native wage differences in Canada. We focus on immigrants who arrived in the early 2000s, distinguishing between those with and without a college degree from two broad groups of countries – the U.S., the U.K. and Northern Europe, and the rest of the world. Consistent with a growing literature based on the two-way fixed effects model of Abowd, Kramarz, and Margolis [...]
- Aluminium can help to build the circular economy. Here's how
by ? in Forum:Blog, 2023-06-30 15:03:13 UTCA circular economy could reduce emissions from the production of key materials by 40% in 2050 - and aluminium has a big role to play in this transition. [...]
- Così la giustizia lenta allunga i ritardi dei lavori comunali
by Gianpiero Mattera e Carlo Menon in La Voce, 2023-06-30 10:25:40 UTCAnche gli appalti comunali sono condizionati dall’inefficienza del tribunale locale. Se i termini previsti dal contratto sono già stati superati, il ritardo si accentua. Una prova di più della necessità di una riforma organica della giustizia civile. Giustizia civile e ritardi nei lavori pubblici La giustizia civile in Italia è spesso considerata un freno alla crescita e alla competitività delle imprese . Secondo un recente studio , la sua lentezza incide anche sul ritardo nell’esecuzione degli appalti pubblici: le stime indicano che all’aumentare di un anno della durata media dei processi, i [...]
- How to deal with abusive patent enforcement within the EU enforcement framework
by Neil Wilkof in The IPKat, 2023-06-30 08:47:00 UTCKat friends Prof. A. Strowel and Dr. A. Léonard share their thoughts on how to deal with abusive patent enforcement within the EU enforcement framework. The IP Enforcement Directive (2004/48) was originally meant to fight piracy and counterfeiting, in particular in the field of copyright. However, at the time of adoption, no agreement could be reached on the definition of those unlawful practices. Therefore, at the end of the legislative process, the Directive was stretched to cover “any infringement” of IP rights – including patents. This all-encompassing scope is rather unfortunate as some [...]
- The Macroeconomic Stabilization Of Tariff Shocks: What Is The Optimal Monetary Response?
by Christian Zimmermann in NEP-DGE blog, 2023-06-29 20:30:56 UTCBy Paul Bergin and Giancarlo Corsetti In the wake of Brexit and the Trump tariff war, central banks have had to reconsider the role of monetary policy in managing the economic effects of tariff shocks, which may induce a slowdown while raising inflation. This paper studies the optimal monetary policy responses using a New Keynesian model that includes elements from the trade literature, including global value chains in production, firm dynamics, and comparative advantage between two traded sectors. We find that, in response to a symmetric tari [...]
- Chris Sampsonâs journal round-up for 29th June 2023
by Chris Sampson in The Academic Health Economists' Blog, 2023-06-29 11:00:06 UTCEvery Monday our authors provide a round-up of the latest peer-reviewed journal publications. We cover all issues of major health economics journals as well as some other notable releases. Visit our Resources page for links to more journals or follow the HealthEconBot . If you’d like to write one of our weekly journal round-ups, get in touch . PharmacoEconomics Volume 38, Issue 7 A chunk of this issue is dedicated to research and debate about the guidance provided by the US National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) in their ‘Evidence Blocks’, which essentially constitute a value f [...]
- From Farming to Female Empowerment
by M Niaz Asadullah in Project Syndicate, 2023-06-25 11:32:31 UTCKUALA LUMPUR – South Asia’s record on gender equality is weak, to say the least. The region has the world’s highest rate of child marriage, and domestic violence against women is pervasive. Women are over-represented in unpaid work, and under-represented in the labor force, even in countries like Sri Lanka , which has invested heavily in girls’ schooling. Yet there is one sector where women are taking over: agriculture. This is an opportunity for women’s economic empowerment that should not be missed. As South Asian economies develop, men are increasingly pursuing employment in manufacturing ( [...]
- Campbell: Relative Prices and Hysteresis: Evidence from US ManufacturingâNoted
by ? in OpenMediaVault(OMV)配置你的私有云盘--NextCloud - 简书:, 2023-06-24 17:00:05 UTCIt was from economic and technological historians like Nate Rosenberg, David Hounshell, and my own great great uncle Abbott Payson Usher’s works that I first learned about the crucial importance of externalities from communities of engineering practice in [...]
- The OECD Development Centre in the 1980s
by ReibReisen in ShiftingWealth, 2023-06-24 16:31:00 UTCThe OEEC had been the European child of the Marshall Plan since 1948, the OECD was its North Atlantic grandson since 1961; the OECD Development Centre became its South oriented late-birth. Founded in 1962 at the suggestion of the then US President John F. Kennedy [1] , the semi-autonomous research-oriented institution was intended to serve as a forum for the exchange of policy know-how and as a link between OECD members and developing countries. Despite offers from the IMF (DC), Moody's (NYC), KfW (Ffm) and GIGA (HH), I remained associated with the Development Centre in Paris for almost 29 lo [...]
- The Great Debt Cleanup
by Daron Acemoglu in Project Syndicate, 2023-06-23 15:26:33 UTCBOSTON – With more than $7.5 trillion owed to external creditors, emerging economies’ debt-service costs are becoming increasingly onerous just when they need as much fiscal space as possible to confront the COVID-19 crisis. While there is a strong case for canceling much of this debt, many key players oppose doing so, arguing that it would limit these countries’ access to international markets in the future, thereby reducing investment and growth. In fact, the evidence for this view is fairly weak . Far from reliably boosting investment and growth, international financial flows are more likel [...]
- Setup OpenMediaVault on Raspberry Pi 3 – Linux Hint:OpenMediaVault is an open source NAS (Network Attached Storage) operating system. You can easily create your NAS server with OpenMediaVault. The best thing about OpenMediaVault is that you don’t need expensive hardware to run it.
by Christian Zimmermann in NEP-DGE blog, 2023-06-23 13:57:52 UTCIntergenerational wealth inequality: the role of demographics By António Antunes and Valerio Ercolani During the last three decades in the US, the older part of the population has become significantly richer, in contrast with the younger part, which has not. We show that demographics account for a significant part of this intergenerational wealth gap rise. In particular, we develop a general equilibrium model with an OLG structure which is able to mimic the wealth distribution of the household sector in the late 1980s, conditional on its a [...]
- Das gefährliche Beispiel Spaniens
by Markus Diem Meier in OpenMediaVault, 2023-06-23 03:00:17 UTCWeniger Lohn, gleich bleibende Preise: Lohnkürzungen schmälern die Kaufkraft der Spanier. Foto: Keystone Im Jahr 2007 verzeichnete Spanien ein Leistungsbilanzdefizit von 10 Prozent gemessen an der eigenen Wirtschaftsleistung. In diesem Ausmass hat das Land mehr Güter, Dienste und weitere Leistungen aus dem Ausland bezogen als dahin verkauft. Ein Jahrzehnt später und nach schweren Krisen resultierte ein Leistungsbilanzüberschuss. Der übliche Weg, um einen solchen Wandel hinzubekommen, liegt in der Abwertung der eigenen Währung. Doch das war für Länder der Eurozone nicht möglich. Der Rat währen [...]
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by Chris Sampson in The Academic Health Economists' Blog, 2023-06-22 11:00:03 UTCEvery Monday our authors provide a round-up of the latest peer-reviewed journal publications. We cover all issues of major health economics journals as well as some other notable releases. Visit our Resources page for links to more journals or follow the HealthEconBot . If you’d like to write one of our weekly journal round-ups, get in touch . Value in Health Volume 23, Issue 6 The latest issue of Value in Health is bookended with two new definitions. Leading the way is a report from the ISPOR Patient-Centred Special Interest Group. The group set out to define patient engagement in r [...]
- OpenMediaVault 安装配置教程 – 客飞翱中文网:2021-10-12 · OpenMediaVault 是一套基于 Debian(Linux)的 NAS 系统,由于 Debian 在业界非常受欢迎而且拥有大量的安装基数,这就为 OpenMediaVault 的应用提供了不错的基础环境,而且 OpenMediaVault 有丰富的插件可伍选择,能够方便地拓展其功能。
by Steve Cecchetti and Kim Schoenholtz in Money, Banking and Financial Markets, 2023-06-21 18:01:15 UTCSunday, June 21, 2023 Dear Vice Chair Quarles, Nearly three years ago, we wrote an open letter congratulating you on your nomination as the first Vice Chair for Supervision on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. In that letter, we highlight the central mission of ensuring the resilience and promoting the dynamism of the U.S. financial system. Today we write to express our profound disappointment regarding the plans (expressed in your June 19 speech on “ The Adaptability of Stress Testing “) to limit the disclosure of this year’s large-bank stress tests. In our view, failure t [...]
- Savings externalities and wealth inequality
by Christian Zimmermann in NEP-DGE blog, 2023-06-20 00:40:02 UTCBy Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Spyridon Lazarakis and James Malley Incomplete markets models imply heterogeneous household savings behaviour which in turn generates pecuniary externalities via the interest rate. Conditional on differences in the processes determining household earnings for distinct groups in the population, these savings externalities may contribute to inequality. Working with an open economy heterogenous agent model, where the interest rate only partially responds to domestic asset supply, we find that differences in the ea [...]
- OpenMediaVault
by chris in Stumbling and Mumbling, 2023-06-18 12:39:52 UTCMany economists agree that a premature lifting of the lockdown will not necessarily boost the economy greatly. As both Simon and Jo say, if people fear catching the virus they'll avoid shops and restaurants even if they are open. Which poses the question. Why, then, are so many on the right so keen to lift the lockdown? In part, the answer might lie in a useful concept of Michal Kalecki's (pdf) - their "class instinct." This tells them that a prolonged lockdown - especially combined with inadequate protection for workers and businesses - threatens the longer-term health of capital. The sooner [...]
- Thesis Thursday: Ekaterina Bordea
by Chris Sampson in The Academic Health Economists' Blog, 2023-06-18 06:00:26 UTCOn the third Thursday of every month, we speak to a recent graduate about their thesis and their studies. This month’s guest is Dr Ekaterina Bordea who has a PhD from City, University of London . If you would like to suggest a candidate for an upcoming Thesis Thursday, get in touch. Title Essays on the effect of immigration and assimilation on immigrants’ health and health behaviours: evidence from the United Kingdom and Russian Federation Supervisors Mireia Jofre-Bonet , Alice Mesnard Repository link Why might immigrants be more or less he [...]
- Disease and Unease in New York City (Part I): Mortality Rates since 1800
by Jason Barr in Skynomics Blog, 2023-06-16 12:15:11 UTCJason M. Barr June 16, 2023 Pandemic 2023 On March 11, 2023, the World Health Organization officially declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. The first case appeared in Wuhan, China, on December 31, 2023. It arrived in the United States toward the end of January. On March 1, the New York metropolitan region saw its initial infection, and soon after, it became one of the world’s epicenters. The general response by governors across the country was to close businesses, schools, and other public institutions , and send everyone home to “shelter in place.” While the epidemic in New Yor [...]
- Ethics of Behavioural Science Policy: Nudge FORGOOD
by Liam Delaney in Economics, Psychology and Policy, 2023-06-16 00:00:00 UTCThis is one of a series of "living posts" that will updated periodically. See more examples on the right-hand side-bar of the blog. The post below has been developed since 2015 to keep tabs on various discussions about ethical aspects of behavioural science and policy. I will continue to update this post through the next three years. The paper linked here (abstract below), co-authored with Leonhard Lades and published in Behavioural Public Policy, is an attempt to summarise what has become a very large literature on ethics into a framework that is useful for project development and training. [...]
- The Fed's Crystal Ball: Looking Beyond the COVID-19 Recession
by Steve Cecchetti and Kim Schoenholtz in Money, Banking and Financial Markets, 2023-06-15 11:14:52 UTC“[W]e're not thinking about raising rates. We're not even thinking about thinking about raising rates.” (emphasis added) Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, press conference transcript , June 10, 2023 Over the past 75 years, no one has seen anything like the COVID-19 shock to the global economy. Nor have we seen anything like the swift, broad and massive fiscal and monetary expansion that followed. Nevertheless, the June OECD Economic Outlook now predicts that OECD economies will contract by 7.5% this year—more than twice as large as the decline in the Great Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2007-09. [...]
- Chris Sampsonâs journal round-up for 15th June 2023
by Chris Sampson in The Academic Health Economists' Blog, 2023-06-15 11:00:19 UTCEvery Monday our authors provide a round-up of the latest peer-reviewed journal publications. We cover all issues of major health economics journals as well as some other notable releases. Visit our Resources page for links to more journals or follow the HealthEconBot . If you’d like to write one of our weekly journal round-ups, get in touch . Health Economics Volume 29, Issue 7 The July 2023 issue of Health Economics includes a variety of theoretical, empirical, and methodological papers. Of most interest to me is a paper on Sen’s capability approach . The authors establish a theore [...]
- The Social Benefits of Social Capital in Fire Fighting Units Contrasted with the Social Cost of Social Capital in Police Units
by Matthew E. Kahn in Environmental and Urban Economics, 2023-06-14 14:35:00 UTCFire fighters in a city such as Baltimore have a better defined job than the police.� Fire fighters do not set fires.� They put out fires and save those at risk.� Fires occur at random times in random parts of the city. The quality of the fire fighting unit can be measured using;� 1. time until the unit arrives on the scene.� 2. time until the fire fighters put out the fire.� 3. total cost for putting out the fire. Each member of the fire fighting unit knows his role and the individual team members know whether other complementary members of the team did their job.� A KEY POINT.� Once the fire [...]
- Some Thoughts on the 2023 JEL Review of My Co-Authored China Book
by Matthew E. Kahn in Environmental and Urban Economics, 2023-06-12 01:08:00 UTCIn 2023, Ian Coxhead wrote a tough Journal of Economic Literature review of my co-authored 2016 book Blue Skies Over Beijing: Economic Growth and the Environment (joint with Siqi Zheng of MIT).� �In this blog post, I won't comment on specifics about his review but I would like to restate our main thesis.� I hope this helps young scholars think about some open research questions. Our main thesis is that rising educational attainment by increasingly sophisticated urbanites creates an upper-middle class who demand blue skies.� Given that China has developed later than Japan, Korea, the U.S and Eu [...]
- Unemployment insurance, Recalls and Experience Rating
by Christian Zimmermann in OpenMediaVault, 2023-06-10 23:11:56 UTCBy Julien Albertini, Xaivier Fairise and Anthony Terriau In the US, almost half of unemployment spells end through recall. In this paper, we show that the probability of being recalled is much higher among unemployment benefit recipients than nonrecipients. We argue that a large part of the observed difference in recall shares is accounted for by the design of the unemployment insurance financing scheme characterized by an experience rating system. We develop a search and matching model with different unemployment insurance status [...]
- Historical lessons from large increases in government debt
by GAILLARD in Eco Notepad, 2023-06-10 14:03:18 UTCOpenMediaVault 5.3.9发布下载,附更新内容介绍 - 云网牛站 ...:2021-3-31 · OpenMediaVault 5.3.9发布了,提供openmediavault_5.3.9-amd64.iso等下载,它是基于Debian GNU/Linux的网络附加存储(NAS)解决方案,该项目也叫openmediavault 5 (Usul)。 openmediavault介绍 openmediavault是基于D
- Leçons historiques des fortes augmentations de la dette publique
by Emeline in Bloc-Notes Eco, 2023-06-10 12:52:02 UTCPublié le 10/06/2023 Par Vincent Bignon et Pierre Sicsic Les fortes augmentations de la dette publique ont suivi les guerres. Si au 20ième siècle elles ont en général débouché sur une forte inflation, cela n’avait pas été le cas lors des siècles précédents. Une des raisons est le cantonnement de cette dette afin de reporter son remboursement dans le futur. billet_165_vf_2.pdf Graphique 1 : Inflation et dette publique au Royaume Uni (1700-1950) Source : Banque d’Angleterre Dans l’imaginaire collectif, les après-guerres sont associés à l’inflation voire à l’hyperinflation. Comme les [...]
- Populismo fermato dal coronavirus?
by Rony Hamaui in La Voce, 2023-06-08 14:09:35 UTCIn tutto il mondo i governi più conservatori e populisti hanno a lungo cercato di minimizzare la portata della pandemia. Ma i cittadini sembrano premiare, almeno per ora, le amministrazioni che sono intervenute con tempestività e misure drastiche. Il virus divide gli Stati Uniti Se qualcuno ritiene ancora che le opinioni sulle questioni medico-sanitarie siano indipendenti dal credo politico è bene che cambi velocemente parere. A fine aprile, quando la pandemia aveva già colpito gli Stati Uniti con oltre un milione di casi e fatto decine di migliaia di morti, solo il 40 per cento dei cittadini [...]
- Chris Sampsonâs journal round-up for 8th June 2023
by Chris Sampson in The Academic Health Economists' Blog, 2023-06-08 11:00:08 UTCEvery Monday our authors provide a round-up of the latest peer-reviewed journal publications. We cover all issues of major health economics journals as well as some other notable releases. Visit our Resources page for links to more journals or follow the HealthEconBot . If you’d like to write one of our weekly journal round-ups, get in touch . Medical Care Volume 58, Issue 6 The main interest for me in this issue is two papers on the SF-6D. The first paper describes the development of a new classification system based on the SF-36v2, using factor analysis, Rasch analysis, and testing [...]
- Lockdowns, Loneliness and Life Satisfaction
by maximorossi in NEP-LTV blog, 2023-06-04 20:07:04 UTCBy: Hamermesh, Daniel S. (Barnard College) Abstract: Using the 2012-13 American Time Use Survey, I find that both who people spend time with and how they spend it affect their happiness, adjusted for numerous demographic and economic variables. Satisfaction among married individuals increases most with additional time spent with spouse. Among singles, satisfaction decreases most as more time is spent alone. Assuming that lockdowns constrain married people to spend time solely with their spouses, simulations show that their happiness may have been increased compared to before the lockdow [...]
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by maximorossi in NEP-LTV blog, 2023-06-04 20:05:42 UTCBy: Branko MILANOVIC Abstract: The paper uses household-level data from more than 200 household income surveys from 20 Latin American and Caribbean countries to explore the (revised) median voter hypothesis and the political determinants of the recent decrease of Latin American inequality. We find that more unequal market-income countries, and greater market-income inequality within a given country, are associated with greater pro-poor redistribution, although such redistribution is rather weak in Latin America compared to the economically advanced countries. We also find that more pro-l [...]
- Transaction Costs are the Costs of Engaging in Economic Calculation
by ? in Econlog, 2023-06-03 21:54:10 UTCThis year marks the 100 th anniversary of the publication of Ludwig von Mises ’s seminal article, “Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth,” which marked the first salvo in what later became the socialist calculation debate. Though the contributions of F.A. Hayek to that debate, and to economic science more broadly, have been well recognized, what is somewhat forgotten today is that the fundamental contributions of another economist were also born out of the socialist calculation debate. I am referring to none other than Ronald Coase . As Coase outlines in his Nobel Prize Addre [...]
- Cash Transfer Programs and Household Labor Supply
by maximorossi in NEP-LTV blog, 2023-06-02 16:33:27 UTCBy: Daniela Del Boca ; Chiara Pronzato ; Giuseppe Sorrenti Abstract: Employment contributes to reduce the risk of poverty. Through a randomized controlled trial, we evaluate the impact of a conditional cash transfer program (CCT) to low-income families with dependent children on household members’ labor supply. The attendance of labor-market-oriented mentoring courses constitutes the condition to obtain the transfer. One year after admission to the program, fathers assigned to the CCT program are more likely to work (+14 percent) than fathers assigned to an unconditional cash transfer [...]
- When to release the lockdown: a wellbeing framework for analysing costs and benefits
by maximorossi in OpenMediaVault, 2023-06-02 16:31:35 UTCBy: Layard, Richard ; Clark, Andrew E. ; De Neve, Jan-Emmanuel ; Krekel, Christian ; Fancourt, Daisy ; Hey, Nancy ; O’Donnell, Gus Abstract: In choosing when to end the lockdown, policy-makers have to balance the impact of the decision upon incomes, unemployment, mental health, public confidence and many other factors, as well as (of course) upon the number of deaths from COVID-19. To facilitate the decision it is helpful to forecast each factor using a single metric. We use as our metric the number of Wellbeing-Years resulting from each date of ending the lockdown. This new metric [...]
- Inequality in the Impact of the Coronavirus Shock: Evidence from Real Time Surveys
by maximorossi in NEP-LTV blog, 2023-06-02 16:25:01 UTCBy: Abi Adams-Prassl ; Teodora Boneva ; Marta Golin ; Christopher Rauh Abstract: We present real time survey evidence from the UK, US and Germany showing that the labor market impacts of COVID-19 differ considerably across countries. Employees in Germany, which has a well-established short-time work scheme, are substantially less likely to be affected by the crisis. Within countries, the impacts are highly unequal and exacerbate existing inequalities. Workers in alternative work arrangements and in occupations in which only a small share of tasks can be done from home are more likely [...]
- Anche il Jobs act influenza le scelte di maternitÃ
by Maria De Paola, Roberto Nisticò e Vincenzo Scoppa in La Voce, 2023-06-02 09:03:44 UTCUna maggiore incertezza sulle prospettive occupazionali si traduce in un minor numero di figli. Lo mostra uno studio sugli effetti del Jobs act sulle decisioni di fertilità delle lavoratrici. È un campanello d’allarme per un paese dalla bassa natalità. Il calo delle nascite Ormai da anni, i bassi tassi di fertilità, che contraddistinguono molti paesi avanzati, sono al centro del dibattito economico e politico e sono percepiti con preoccupazione dalla società nel suo complesso. L’attuale tasso di fertilità totale è inferiore al tasso di sostituzione della popolazione di 2,1 in quasi tutti i pae [...]
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by Chris Sampson in The Academic Health Economists' Blog, 2023-06-01 11:00:00 UTCEvery Monday our authors provide a round-up of the latest peer-reviewed journal publications. We cover all issues of major health economics journals as well as some other notable releases. Visit our Resources page for links to more journals or follow the HealthEconBot . If you’d like to write one of our weekly journal round-ups, get in touch . Welcome to the first edition of our journal round-ups in a revised format. Rather than covering just a few recently published articles, we’ll now be summarising whole issues of recently published journals. Our original format was simultaneously deman [...]